Project Description
Tomorrows Business Leaders
Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Build Your Future With Avada Education
Suspendisse sapien mauris, consequat nec pellentesque at, pharetra feugiat tortor. Donec lobortis lacinia mauris, luctus scelerisque ligula semper eu. Donec dictum et elit porttitor tincidunt. Duis leo nibh, accumsan vitae nibh id, mollis convallis nisl. Mauris varius cursus lorem at eleifend. Phasellus imperdiet, libero vel consectetur aliquam, justo massa feugiat dolor, id blandit nibh elit eget tortor. Sed lorem ipsum, rhoncus quis congue in, tristique id erat. Nunc ac congue mi. Curabitur ante ex, posuere quis tellus quis, convallis scelerisque dolor. Integer eu purus ut augue consectetur aliquet. Aliquam eu tortor gravida, elementum.
International Focus – Nunc lacinia turpis imperdiet ligula malesuada molestie
Residential Courses – Mauris sed felis et libero consectetur auctor id in nisi
Focus On People – Sed at risus at erat pretium fringilla
Student Dedication – Aenean ut purus non tortor rhoncus bibendum
Career Placement – Nunc nec turpis sit egestas scelerisque at finibus ligula
Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.
Ms. & Mr. Chinese Global Pageant
The “Ms. & Mr. Chinese Global Pageant” is a global cultural event of Chinese charm. The Pageant is a cultural competition and event to close the gap between Chinese young people in the world and build up a new generation of Chinese people with sunshine, health, positive, optimistic and aspiring to the higher standards. It also advocates “wisdom, both inside and outside”, optimism and love, courage and creativity, wisdom and cultivation and build the image and positive energy of Chinese young people in raising, personality and team-work spirit. The culture pageant would like to become a high-end cultural event with great influence and wide acceptance by the media and audiences globally to show the image of Chinese young persons of new generation.
Build Your Future
:世界青年华商会 世界华文传媒联合会 熊猫基金会 领导人议事联
协办机构:海外中华流失文物保护基金会 欧洲科教文丝绸之路协会 伦敦大学学院茶社 伦敦大学学院精英领袖社(英国青联UCL分会) 麻省理工学院戴博家族基金会 欧洲华侨华人青年联合总会 英国华人专业协会 英联邦青年会(澳大利亚) 非洲毛里塔尼亚商会 法中国际合作促进会 南美秘中友谊基金会 英联邦青年会(加拿大) 美国华人青年商会
支持机构: 斐济日报 头条东方集团 头条辰报 加拿大七天杂志
白银赞助商:欧金文化科技 海丝基金
黄金赞助商: 洽谈中
白金赞助商: 欧金出版局
(d)参选者须于任何公开活动、宣传、拍摄期间遵守竞选条款以及尊重竞选结果,而在未经主办方的同意下,不得在非主办方官方的社交媒体平台上(例如Facebook、Instagram及Twitter等) 以文字、声音、照片或影片发布有关该参选者参与竞选的信息或材料,否则将有机会被废除参选资格;
英国执行协调 | 主办 | 协办 | 支持 |
大本钟奖组委会英文组 | 世界青年华商会 | 海外中华流失文物保护基金会 | 斐济日报 |
英国华人青年联会 | 世界华文传媒联合会 | 欧洲科教文丝绸之路协会 | 头条东方集团 |
大本钟奖组委会中文组 | 熊猫基金会 | 伦敦大学学院精英领袖社(英国青联UCL分会) | 英国《头条辰报》 |
领导人议事联 | 麻省理工学院戴博家族基金会 | 加拿大七天杂志 | |
大本钟奖暨全球精英评选组委会 | 欧洲华侨华人青年联合总会 | 德国开元网 | |
英国华人专业协会 | 美国《华兴报》 | ||
英联邦青年会(加拿大) 英联邦青年会(澳大利亚) |
意大利《新华时报》 希腊希中网 |
美国华人青年商会 | 埃及《中国周报》 |
Up To Date Curriculum
Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.
Platinum Jubilee Pageant

Open to public?
The Platinum Jubilee Pageant will have all the excitement and spectacle of an international parade and carnival – awe-inspiring and filled with marvel and delight. The Pageant will combine street arts, theatre, music, circus, carnival and costume to celebrate Her Majesty’s unwavering duty, love of the natural world and dedication to the Commonwealth.
The Platinum Jubilee Pageant is inviting children from across the UK to play a part in the ‘River of Hope’ procession. Forming an important part of the Pageant, the procession will comprise of two hundred silk flags which will process down The Mall, emulating a moving river. Primary and secondary school children are invited to create a picture of their hopes and aspirations for the planet over the next 70 years. A selection of these creations will be transferred on to silk flags, which will carried by secondary school pupils. The ‘River of Hope’ section is being choreographed by Kinetika Bloco with music by one hundred young players from London and Edinburgh.
The artwork for the flags will be focused on climate change and incorporates the children’s messages for the future. Teachers from applying schools will be provided with step-by-step guides to creating a beautiful digital artwork with their students, of which 200 will then be selected for the flags. The selected artwork will then also be shown up and down the country on screens as part of the Jubilee celebrations.
Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant will take place on Sunday 5th June 2022. It tells the story of The Queen’s 70-year reign and our transforming society. The Pageant is played out in four parts:
Act I: For The Queen and Country
For Queen and Country is the opening act of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant. It will be a military spectacle, celebrating the UK Armed Forces from all three Services, along with military personnel from across the Commonwealth including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Ghana, Belize, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and beyond.
Act II: The Time of Our Lives
‘The Time of Our Lives’ is a vibrant display of British life since 1952, moving through a transformation of popular culture over the last 70 years.
The third act of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant, Let’s Celebrate, will harness creativity, ingenuity, humour and community spirit.
Act IV: Happy and Glorious.
A finale like no other will form around the Queen Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace with all parts of the Pageant leading to this moment.
Over 16 major British brands and leading international companies from diverse sectors including retail, fashion, hospitality, culture, media and business have come together to form a unique alliance in celebration of The Queen’s 70-year reign.
Each of these partners are united by a common focus to nurture the creative sector and honour Her Majesty, as well as belief in the Pageant’s values and its commitments to sustainability, diversity and inclusion and a unique celebration for the world in 2022.
Find out more about our partners below or find out how to become a partner by contacting
The Platinum Jubilee Pageant has been generously funded by a significant contribution from The Gosling Foundation, as a tribute to Her Majesty in memory of their Founder, the late Sir Donald Gosling. Find out more here.
As Chairman of Audley, Sir Michael Lockett specialises in all the elements needed to build, enhance, protect and sustain a reputation.
Nicholas Coleridge CBE is Chairman of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Chairman of the Prince of Wales’ Campaign for Wool.
Rosanna has worked in the events industry for over 20 years, running high profile events including The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant in 2012 and the G8 Summit in 2013.
Phoebe has devised and is leading on the delivery of the private funding that will fund the Platinum Jubilee Pageant.
Adrian is one of the UK’s leading festival directors and creative producers. In 2012 he was Pageant Master for The Queen’s Thames Diamond Jubilee River Pageant.
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