Ten-Years Anniversary Charity Ceremony of the Big Ben Award


My success is no accident. THE BIG BEN AWARD TEN YEARS ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION 2018-2019 Big Ben Award Global Outstanding Ceremony Start small. Think Big. Supported by Robert Courts MP, the BCYF in association with the European Institute of VC/PE Centre of Renmin (People’s) University of China, think-tank Institute for International Strategic Coexistence, held the grand “2018-2019 Big Ben Award Ceremony for Global Outstanding”, the BBA’s 10-Year Anniversary Reception and the 16th World Elite Young Leaders Summit at the Houses of Parliament, London, U.K. on the 24th Jan 2019. Nearly 200 guests from the United Kingdom, China, USA, France, [...]

Ten-Years Anniversary Charity Ceremony of the Big Ben Award2022-06-18T03:37:23+00:00

2019 BCYF/BBA AGM in House of Parliament London


  On Monday 28th January 2019, the British Chinese Youth Federation held BCYF 2019 Annual General Meeting and Big Ben Award Commitee Global Executive Members Meeting at the House of Commons and reviewed the BBA Ceremony that took place on the 24th January. Hosted by former Minister of Sport and Tourism Helen Grant MP – current Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party. The meeting and BBA ceremony took place on schedule with a global gathering of guests.

2019 BCYF/BBA AGM in House of Parliament London2022-06-18T03:42:34+00:00

2018 Final Ms and Mr Chinese Global Crowned In a London Ceremony


The Ceremony Reception of 2018 Ms and Mr Chinese Global Pageant were held in London on 3rd November. The “Ms. & Mr. Chinese Global Pageant” is a global cultural event of Chinese charm. The Pageant is a cultural competition and event to close the gap between Chinese young people in the world and build up a new generation of Chinese people with sunshine, health, positive, optimistic and aspiring to the higher standards. It also advocates “wisdom, both inside and outside”, optimism and love, courage and creativity, wisdom and cultivation and build the image and positive energy of Chinese young people in [...]

2018 Final Ms and Mr Chinese Global Crowned In a London Ceremony2022-06-18T03:52:31+00:00

The Letter from No. 10 Downing Street


Learn to think smart. Follow your instincts No. 10 Downing Street BBA aims to establish good examples for young people building their dreams. BBA also would like to assist young people expanding the positive energy for building the better future of the world. Welcome the Sponsorship for more charity cooperation. The Import Letter for the Big Ben Award Committee LOVE -  BBA encourages overseas persons devoting their resources to the love of motherland. Any country, including UK, China, US, and etc. CHARITY -  BBA will simultaneously donate by charity events for helping young couple [...]

The Letter from No. 10 Downing Street2022-05-13T03:24:02+00:00

Chinese Introduction of The Big Ben Award


The Chinese Introduction of Big Ben Award 大本钟奖暨全球杰青评选组委会中文组 大本钟奖暨全球精英评选 全球精英至高荣誉殿堂 不忘初心 情系慈善 全球精英 国际友人 共铸辉煌 为你自豪 天時 - 文化品牌,頂級盛會!几年未有之大变局!鑄造海外正能量,帶來更多國際合作機會。強勢宣傳,震撼效應!讓公眾更加瞭解大本鐘獎,給品牌一個撼動人心的超值炫目舞臺! 地利 - 主流媒體,提升获奖者品牌力!活動立足倫敦和國際各大都市,宣傳輻射範圍廣,熱度疊加,影響深入,有利於品牌集中大眾注意力。與傑出青年近距離接觸,更是令您不虛此行。 人和 - 高端名流風雲際會,精英人才齊目聚焦!愛心光華,傳揚四方!同行公益路,共築全球夢!熱門話題,深度傳播!快速擴展企業知名度和影響力,同時為企業提升品牌價值。同心同德,傑青視野,共創輝煌! 英国国务大臣Mark Field国会议员获2018年度大本钟奖 被誉为英国“诺贝尔奖”的“大本钟奖暨全球精英评选”筹备于20世纪末21世纪初,在多国人士(含华裔创始人)的多年筹备下,于2008年举行了首届评选并于2009年在伦敦举办了首届全球颁奖典礼。大本钟奖是全球范围内优秀儿童少年/杰出青年、国际人士和优秀品牌及媒体、教育、文体、医学、财金、影视等各方面评选的权威奖项。大本钟奖所塑造的平台是中国与世界各国进行友好交流和往来的重要力量。 “在当前百年未有之大变局下,大本钟奖在中华文明与西方文明的交融下愈发凸显重要的作用。” 大本钟奖已经成为世界范围内最具权威性和影响力的奖项。在大本钟奖组委会中文组不断开拓下,大本钟奖其中许多重要奖项成为了与中国和中华文化以及慈善公益事业息息相关的奖项并成为中华文明与西方文明连接的重要桥梁。 大本钟奖下设以评选十杰为主的伊丽莎白奖、个人奖、企业奖、娱乐文艺摄影音乐影视为主的金独角兽奖、以商业财经教育传媒慈善公益第三方为主的金桑树奖、以工艺美术艺术设计非物质文化遗产为主的神工奖、以体育为主的赫拉特勒斯奖、以金融投资为主的金牡丹奖、以女性为主的金康乃馨奖、以生理医学健康事业为主的希波克拉底奖、以18岁以下少年儿童为主的璀璨未来奖、以海归和留学生为主的金鸥奖、以英联邦及英语系国家为主的雄鹰奖、以及个人企业机构品牌城市排行榜(世界500强,百富排行榜)等。

Chinese Introduction of The Big Ben Award2022-06-18T03:42:07+00:00
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